The Epiphone Riviera Custom P93 Royale is modeled after one of Epiphone’s most enduring classics, the Riviera. Introduced in the early 60’s, the Epiphone Riviera’s semi-hollow design has been a favorite of players from all genres and generations including blues great Otis Rush, Lou Reed of the Velvet Underground, and The Strokes’ Nick Valensi, who all found the Riviera’s legendary ES-body shape could produce great tones with any pickup variation. Over the years, the Riviera has been seen with humbuckers, mini-humbuckers, and P90’s. But now the Custom P93 Royale has the rare distinction of giving players a new sound and a new, distinctive look.

Epiphone Riviera Custom P93 Royale

Epiphone Riviera Custom P93 Royale

Guitar Planet rating

Like the Riviera Custom P93 Royale? Rate this guitar now… at least 10 votes with over 75% average rating on the hot-o-meter gets this guitar into the Guitar Planet Hall of Fame and from there into the 2011 Guitar of the Year award.


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